Djohar Arifin Husin akhirnya terpilih menjadi Ketua Umum Persatuan Sepakbola Seluruh Indonesia periode 2011-2015 dalam Kongres Luar Biasa PSSI yang digelar di The Sunan Hotel, Solo, Sabtu, 9 Juli 2011
Djohar Arifin Husin was selected after a lengthy process. In the first round, Djohar get 53 votes.
53 votes could not be smooth step Menpora expert staff become chairman because not meet the 67 percent of the total vote. Djohar then fought back in the second round with Agusman Effendi, who obtained 39 votes. While one candidate who received 4 Japto Soerjosoemarno sounds also qualify for the second round, but chose to resign.
In the second round, Djohar confirmed as chairman of the PSSI after bagging 61 votes. Djohar beat Agusman who only get 38 votes. While an invalid votes.
In the world of sports, Djohar name was familiar. He had been Secretary General of the Central Sports Committee and was the Regional Board of North Sumatra PSSI.